Visit Cameleon Hill Lodge
This lodge is worth a detailed visit! Although now had two of the most chilling experiences one can ever have in nature and wildlife tourism, we were left in awe by the scenery around this lodge. Until then, we had already experienced many spectacular landscape panoramas in the past few days, but this one looked like something out James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’.

Volcaines and sunsets
Volcanic mountains stretch to the horizon, in a landscape of lakes and forests. Whether at sunrise or sunset, during the day or even at night, you don't want to leave the terrace to miss a minute of this sight. Our drone batteries had to be charged non-stop during our stay since we wanted to have the drones in the air as possible; But more than ever we found that the beauty of this landscape cannot be fully captured with pictures.
Boat trips on Lake Mutanda
Chameleon Hill Lodge is situated on a high ridge of hills, just off Lake Mutanda. During the day we took a leisurely boat trip across the lake and visited a fascinating and depressing small island, which is connected to a dark past and contains many remains of human skeletons. On a larger island, we got to know the local population off the beaten tourist track, who have chosen a strange home in the middle of the lake.

Selfmade Coffee from Uganda
At the next stop, we visited one of the coffee farms that produce the famous Ugandan coffee by hand. We learned a lot about the production process and took part in a tasting. The way back was on motorbikes over hill and dale until we were picked up again by our local jeep. It was hard to say goodbye to Chameleon Hill Lodge, this incredible landscape and this part of the country. As we were heading towards Kampala each of us knew that one day we would have to come back to experience every single stop of our trip with more time again.
Story Highlight
Watch our Story highlights from Cameleon Hill Lodge