Don't miss Uganda!
Most tourists are being shuttled from sight to sight in the interior of the country. Thereby they miss one of the highlights of this adventure trip: Uganda! The country consists not only of a collection of admittedly highly spectacular national parks and wildlife viewing, but also of a beautiful African culture, fascinating people, and remarkable transitions in the landscape. You miss all of this if you don't spend a few hours on the roads between the actual highlights. Just getting from Entebbe, through the gigantic city of Kampala and thus one of the largest cities in Africa, to Kidepo National Park is a true adventure. It is a long ride, but you will be richly rewarded.

From markets and villages
The impressions of the colorful hustle and bustle of the big African city, the markets, the business district and the slums, the suburbs and villages, past countless farms and the first encounter with the largest river in the world, the Nile. Grabbing a few chapati along the way (an East African version of the Indian flatbread - highly recommended!) and enjoying the increasing expanses of nature. The 10-12-hour trip alone provides something to talk about for days!